Intific, Inc. Apps

Space Doc 1.0.3
Intific, Inc.
Space Doc is a game-based Educationapplicationdesigned to teach the principles of first responderprocedures.Intific presents an exciting form of teaching firstresponderpractices. The Space Doc application presents a uniqueapproach tostabilizing the human body in crisis situations based onitsunderlying physiological functions. As you address crisesthatarise, Space Doc focuses on experiential learning byemphasizingwhy certain procedures are correct and what could happenif theyare not followed.You’ll travel on a colonization mission to Mars on a longjourneywith dangers of every type threatening mission success. Asa firstresponder trainee, your crew is counting on you to keepthem safeduring the mission. Use the 3D anatomical medical modelto explorethe underlying physiology of the human body while youtriage andtreat your patients.When disaster strikes your ship, you’ll be the first lineofresponse for your crew. Will you be able to save them all?